Human Suffering at its Extreme - War and Peace

Disclaimer: This Video contains open scenes of human death and suffering. Please view, if you are above 18 years of age and also you are willing to know about death and suffering.

What History teaches us?

It was Hitler that brought Nazi Germany to such initial great heights, and – almost poetically – it was Hitler that dragged her spiraling down in the end. Had there never been a war, he may have been remembered as the man who lifted Germany from economic ruin and social shame. But there was a war, and his numerous follies as a tactician and politician earned him a bad reputation as a leader, tactician, or strategist.

What do we have today? Come to think of it, man has the power to destroy himself. He knows it, yet he does nothing to stop it, or he does, but the efforts are not sufficient. Maybe it is to be, that the world will surely come to an end soon. The job of any rational human is to try and think of a way out. In today's world we have so many threats to world peace and stability. There was a time when there were countries which fought for world domination. The situation today is different. There is terrorism on an unprecedented scale, something that the world had never seen before. What we see today is a conflict, not merely of attitudes, but of ways of life, the co-existence of religions. It seems that this is a major cause for unrest in the world today.

What are we going to do as World citizens? Is it not our duty to understand the divine Unifying thread of the human race? Don't we need to find out a way to end human suffering, to the extent possible with our human capacity?

Finally, we can witness that Real success and happiness doesn't come along with War, but with Universal brotherhood and Peace.. War just results in human death and suffering.. Nothing else worthwhile!

Main Article: Human suffering