Reasons why people sleep in office:
• Bad nightmare.
• Staying awake late during night.
• Watching excessive TV.
• Heavy breakfast or lunch.
• Babies not letting you sleep at night.
• Long weekend getaway for rafting and other heavy sports activities.
• Doctor prescribed medicine makes you dizzy.
• Your dependant resource is not available and you have nothing to do.
• Don't have anything to talk during meeting and have to listen to boring conversations for couple of hours
Following are the tips to avoid sleep in office:
• Take a good night sleep. If you are having sleep disorder at night (insomnia), then consult your doctor.
• Avoid watching TV late night.
• Drink tea or coffee when you feel sleepy.
• Take a small walk.
• Do not rest your chin on your palms.
• Do not rest your head on your desk.
• Avoid eating oily food, rice items and other sleep causing foods during breakfast and lunch.
• Take your baby to doctor and let the doctor know that your baby is restless. Arrange some one to take
care of baby.
• Do not drink alcohol beverages during lunch parties
• If the medicine you are taking has dizziness as side effect, then get another prescription if available.
• If you have nothing to talk during meeting, then take down notes. Make body movements if possible.
• Do not drink alcohol beverages during lunch parties
• If the medicine you are taking has dizziness as side effect, then get another prescription if available.
• If you have nothing to talk during meeting, then take down notes. Make body movements if possible.