Give up your biggest worries

If you have a roof over your head, good health and food on the table, what are you really worrying about? The answer, nothing is that serious in the overall scheme of life. Our biggest worries could be:
  • “What if I fail?” – Who cares! Do you? So what? everyone that has gone on to do anything great has failed tons of times. Get over that mentality and embrace failure…as that means you are taking action and getting closer to success.
  • “What will people think of me?” - Again.. who cares! Be the fool…dance and sing. If you worry about what others will think of you all day long, you will never be in control of your life. This could be with friends, at work and what the boss thinks, in relationships, etc. Do what you know you need to do, follow your own music and never care what anyone else thinks.
  • “But I need more…..” - You don’t need anything else…you don’t need more money, you don’t need more cars, you don’t need more friends…you just need to change your mentality. You can make more money if you want to or have more cars/friends…but actually you don’t need more of it. Detach.
  • Go Broke, Try and Live on $10 for a week – Once you do it, what is left to fear? Money comes…money goes. Don’t base your happiness on it. Make as much as you want..that’s not the issue. The issue is when it internally threatens you (to get lower or go away) and you feel stressed out.
  • “But I can’t do…..- Yep you are right, you can’t…..until you finally say to yourself “I can”. Remember, who cares if you fail….. celebrate failure…why? Because that means you tried, and effort is what counts.
We don’t have to go out and solve poverty or cure cancer to make an impact. The real change has to start from within.. We just need to take life one moment at a time and try our best to help and encourage those we meet along the way. But how can we go through that daily journey if we are a mess on the inside and filled with our own negative energies of doubt, fear, worry, envy, greed, jealousy and anxiety? We can’t help anyone until we help ourselves and get a better understanding of ourselves, first.

You don’t own anything…nothing. Detach and be free. We came into this world naked and will leave the same way. Nothing is ours. We may think it is, but nothing we ever possess physically or mentally will last. Money is probably the biggest stressor, but you don’t own it…it’s not yours. Sure you can have some in a bank account and use it…but it’s not yours to keep forever. Mentally detach from it and realize it’s just a tool, see if your stress is much less now.

Same can be said for feelings of depression, anxiety, doubt, etc. You don’t own them…they are not you.  Detach from your feelings and just move on with your life..they are not yours.. yet many carry that luggage around for a long time, time to let go.

Source and Credits: If life