HIV statistics around the world

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According to, 33.4 million people worldwide are living with HIV/AIDS, and 25 million have died since 1981. Additionally, 97 percent of people with HIV live in developing and moderate-income nations, such as those in sub-Saharan Africa.

Number of infections on other continents:

Asia: 4.7 million
Latin America: 2 million
Eastern Europe and Central Asia: 1.5 million

The World Health Organization reports that access to care has increased tenfold from 2002 to 2008 among poor countries hit hard by HIV. Still, people most at risk around the world do not have access to treatment or prevention. Just over one-third of the 28.6 million people in poor and moderate-income countries who should be on anti-retroviral medication are getting it.

Sources/References and Credits:;UNAIDS/WHO
Author: David Heitz