There is a researcher within us just waiting to be unleashed.
A good researcher should possess the right and desirable qualities in order to succeed in his researches.
To be more specific, let us divide these desirable qualities into three: The Basic qualities, the desirable qualities on the process, and the desirable qualities upon success. The basic qualities of a researcher are intelligence, honesty, curiosity and initiative, enough knowledge, and good in oral and written communication.
It cannot be denied that a researcher must be intelligent enough. Anyway, it is unlikely for a person who is not intelligent enough to ever think of doing a formal research and turn it to a book or a published article. Research requires critical analysis, logical reasoning and common sense. You don’t have to worry because if you are reading this article, it is likely that you are intelligent enough.
It cannot be denied that a researcher must be intelligent enough. Anyway, it is unlikely for a person who is not intelligent enough to ever think of doing a formal research and turn it to a book or a published article. Research requires critical analysis, logical reasoning and common sense. You don’t have to worry because if you are reading this article, it is likely that you are intelligent enough.
You may have the required intelligence but if you are not curious and initiative enough, you will not find a reasonable problem for research study, specially these days where researches bloom and many of the easier problems had already been studied.
Going into formal research will require you to have the basic knowledge on how to do research. This will save you from unnecessary errors. Erroneous research may require you to repeat your work and waste time, effort, and even money.
One may do research just to satisfy his hunger for knowledge or just for his own advantage. Yes, satisfying oneself is a common human desire but it will be selfish and futile if you will not share your research after it is done. Sharing you research may be done through publications and presentations in seminars or conferences. Your skills in oral and written communication are important. It should be remembered that the main purpose of the presentation is to SHARE your work.
Thus, you have to build your confidence more on the substance of your work (that you are going to share) rather than just being too conscious of perfecting the language you are going to use for presentation. Non-verbal communication such as appropriate gestures, facial expressions, even smiles may also be of help. The bottom line: YOU MUST BE UNDERSTOOD.
A research may seem successful, but may be dangerous if done dishonestly. This is even worse if there is a cooperative dishonesty among researchers. Example, a medicine claimed by researchers to cure certain illness and lie about its adverse effect can be deadly.
Really, research is a serious one that it is often tedious. A healthy researcher can go through all the stresses and discomforts of research work. if it is time to relax, relax. It is time to eat, eat( proper diet). If it is time to exercise, exercise, so that if it is time to go back to work on your research you can have a better focus.
Author: Camilo Tabinas Y Apita