12. Simplicity
When you are focused, many other things in your life fall away naturally. Things you don’t really need. Begin to sweep some of these things out the door. Simplify your life, your thoughts, your relationships. Give yourself the space and energy to focus and love the moment.
13. Experiences
Experiences almost always trump money and possessions in long-term life satisfaction. Experiences stay in your memory and create residual happy feelings. Put your efforts and income more on experiences than on things.
14. Recess
Give yourself a mental and physical recess, a time for play and creative introspection. Remove yourself from stresses and demands to clear your mind for new ideas, inspiration, and recharging. Being in nature supports this process.
15. Intuition
Regardless of how analytical or brainy you may be, pay attention to intuition. Intuition arises from an accumulation of all of our memories and experiences. It has something important to say to us, so listen up.
16. Stretch
Stretch yourself. Go a step or two farther than you think you can. Push yourself a bit into the discomfort zone. Do this regularly, and you’ll be amazed at your capacity for greatness. Breath into the stretch and enjoy it.
17. Forgive
Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Whatever it is, put it in a red balloon and release it. Ah, freedom.
Author and Source: Barrie Davenport