It is the process of working together to the same end, but many view co-operation as a luxury and not an important human value. It is undeniably one of the most vital assets one can have when working through a problem. Having the opinions and voice of another person will not only draw out a discussion of the topic, but also lead you to a well-rounded solution. Co-operation has been under-appreciated for years in its importance and should be held in high regard.
Often seen as displaying kindness and concern for others, the true importance of this value comes from the work or practice of looking after those unable to care for themselves. Caring for others both physically and spiritually is a vitally important value to have; people will always rely on someone else for help at one point or another, but we often fail to realize how much of a difference caring for another person can make.
Honesty feels like something you don’t come by often these days, but in the realm of human values, it is extremely important. The idea of staying true to oneself can often feel intimidating and impossible, but what most people fail to realize is that it is not the act of simply telling the truth that makes someone honest rather the quality of person who is being honest. An honest person is often straight, upright, sincere and fair and being an honest person brings more reward to the soul than the damage a lie could do.
Love seems like something that we do know the importance of, but in fact it is misunderstood and forgotten about daily. Not in the sense one would think, but rather it loses its importance in the over use of the word. In its over-use, the word love has depreciated in value, not in the feeling but in the word, just as saying a word repeatedly you eventually forget it’s meaning, the word love has become a little too common. The trick is to remember the feeling behind the word and not lose faith in the fact that it is over-used.
Many feel that respect should be given as opposed to earned, but no matter who you are Respect needs to be earned just as trust and honesty need to be as well. Respect is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. The rub to this is that when you want to be treated with respect, you will treat others with respect; its one of those rare instances that in obtaining this feeling you will better the way the world views you.
Source and Credits: Aquarian Pure Water Co. Inc.