1. Give Up Your Mask
In order to avoid getting hurt and rejected, we hide who we really are behind a mask of who we think we should be.
Have the courage to be you, to show your true emotions and stand behind them – even at the risk of disapproval.
Embrace not only the “good” side of you, but also the vulnerable side. Because vulnerability is authentic and real.
It’s the source of creativity and innovation. It creates opportunity.
“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.” ~BrenĂ© Brown,
2. Give Up Your Belief In The Future
Yes, your future holds your hopes, your dreams and desires – but your future depends on the choices you make today.
Believe in the presence. You only ever have this moment – because the past moments are gone and the future will eventually show up as another moment of now.
In order to avoid getting hurt and rejected, we hide who we really are behind a mask of who we think we should be.
Have the courage to be you, to show your true emotions and stand behind them – even at the risk of disapproval.
Embrace not only the “good” side of you, but also the vulnerable side. Because vulnerability is authentic and real.
It’s the source of creativity and innovation. It creates opportunity.
“Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage. Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.” ~BrenĂ© Brown,
2. Give Up Your Belief In The Future
Yes, your future holds your hopes, your dreams and desires – but your future depends on the choices you make today.
Believe in the presence. You only ever have this moment – because the past moments are gone and the future will eventually show up as another moment of now.
Success starts at this very moment, with the choices you make right now. Practice presence.
Notice what’s around you, what you see, hear, taste and smell. Notice what you experience and interact with it.
“Realize deeply that the present moment is all you have. Make the NOW the primary focus of your life.” ~Eckhart Tolle, The Power of Now
3. Give Up Your SOS (Shiny Object Syndrome)
Whether it’s chasing that next “shiny” idea or the secret shortcuts to success – we are all guilty of this addiction.
The pursuit of everything that seems appealing is seductive. It makes us get side-tracked, loose focus and go in a million different directions.
Take time to identify the ideas and activities worth pursuing and then stick to them on a consistent basis.
“If you want to draw water you do not dig six one-foot wells. You dig one six-foot well.” ~Buddha
Author and Credits: Maxine Schiffmann