Things to give up : to be successful - 2

4. Give Up Your Need Of Other’s Approval

You sabotage your success if you make choices that aim to avoid disapproval. Your ego’s seeking of recognition is never ending and makes you miss potentially rewarding opportunities because of your fear of being criticized.

Choose wisely between what’s good for the ego and what’s good for your success.

“A truly strong person does not need the approval of others any more than a lion needs the approval of sheep.” ~Vernon Howard

5. Give Up Taking “No” As “No”

Interpret feedback the way you choose to: A “no” doesn’t mean “no” – it just means “not right now” or “not this way”.
Whatever it is that you want to achieve, don’t take rejection as a final answer. Take it as a useful feedback that says, “Keep going”.

6. Give Up Distinguishing Between Your Private And Work Life

All aspects of your life are interconnected. You are fooling yourself by believing your private life doesn’t impact your entrepreneurial success. 

You are hindering your growth if some areas of your life are a mess. True success encompasses all areas.

Bring passion, perseverance and joy to all of the roles you play: as an entrepreneur, a lover or a friend… Make all aspects of your life successful.

7. Give Up Your Reluctance To Ask For Help

Be man enough to admit you don’t know everything. Don’t take asking for help as a sign of weakness.

Instead, embrace it as an act of strength: it indicates honesty, intelligence and your rise above the ego that wants to do it all alone. Remember:

“The strong individual is the one who asks for help when he needs it.”  ~Rona Barrett

8. Give Up Fixing Your Weaknesses

We live in a society that emphasize the need to be well-rounded. Successful people hardly ever tick that box – instead they know, embrace and manage around their weaknesses.

Fixing weaknesses is just another strategy to play safe – playing not to lose instead of playing to win.

Change your focus from fixing weaknesses to capitalizing on your strengths – because you will grow the most in your areas of talents.

“Emphasize strengths, don’t fix weaknesses.” ~Timothy Ferriss

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