Life is all about risks – nothing more. Everything that you decide to do has a margin of risk. No outcome is ever 100 percent certain and, therefore, any attempt at anything has a chance of complete failure. We risk everything, every day of our lives without knowing it. There is always a chance that walking outside will kill us.
There’s a chance that we’ll never make it to our destination, a chance we won’t get to see our loved ones again, a chance that tomorrow will never come. Life is all about risks – you take some and you avoid others. The life you live depends on the choices you make, the risks you take, and how lucky or unlucky you’ve been.
There are, likewise, risks that everyone should take in life. Why? Because they are almost always necessary ingredients in the recipe to happiness.
1. Risk taking the road less traveled.
The road less traveled is a scary road to take. It hasn’t been worn in by previous footsteps, so getting lost is a cinch. The brush has never been trimmed or tended to, so you’re likely to get caught on a branch and stuck in places for a while.
There’s a chance that we’ll never make it to our destination, a chance we won’t get to see our loved ones again, a chance that tomorrow will never come. Life is all about risks – you take some and you avoid others. The life you live depends on the choices you make, the risks you take, and how lucky or unlucky you’ve been.
There are, likewise, risks that everyone should take in life. Why? Because they are almost always necessary ingredients in the recipe to happiness.
1. Risk taking the road less traveled.
The road less traveled is a scary road to take. It hasn’t been worn in by previous footsteps, so getting lost is a cinch. The brush has never been trimmed or tended to, so you’re likely to get caught on a branch and stuck in places for a while.
The roads less traveled haven’t yet been mapped out and, therefore, the only thing you really have to go on in hopes of reaching your destination is your intelligence, your logic, perseverance, and a bit of luck.
However, the road less traveled has much richer plunders. You risk never getting there, but once you do, it’s well worth your trouble.
2. Risk getting turned down.
That girl you truly love, might turn you down. The same goes for whenever you are asking anything from anyone. More often than not, we get turned down not because of us, but because of the individual who is rejecting our request.
It doesn’t matter whether you are trying to get someone’s number or asking them to pass you a napkin – you’ll always meet that jerk who will refuse to even pay you any attention. Because we hate being rejected – we often fail to even ask.
If you don’t ask then you won’t be answered. If you don’t ask then you’re basically still getting answered no, but you yourself are moving any chance of receiving a yes.
Author and Credits: Paul Hudson