Ask yourself one question – when was the last time you did something only because you wanted to and not because it would enhance your career or future prospects. When did you last disconnected from the rest of the world to do what you want instead of what is ‘required’?
In this world of severe competition, every day begins with a rat race and ends in another. No longer do we have time for what we want to do because we’re so busy pursuing what ‘benefits’ us. In fact, there are so many of us who have forgotten our hobbies and interests. Those seem to be left behind in another world. Who has the time to listen to music and read books for hours and hours if they are not going to help in getting a good college or a good job or a salary raise- as per the stage of life?
When the board exams come to an end, the coaching centers would be vying to catch hold of the next set of students to prepare them for entrance exams. A famous tagline in one of the advertisements says, “In this world of severe competition, we help you stay ahead”.
Most students join the centers because their peer group has joined them and doing nothing- or worse- pursuing a hobby would seem like a waste of precious time.
This race, however, does not end with the beginning of college. With the end of an academic year at various universities, students have to start looking for internships.
The more significant thing to note is that most students join internships not for learning but for earning a certificate that shows that they have worked. The lack of any real exposure and practical benefit is expediently overlooked.
Summer vacations are no longer about relaxed periods when you join belly dancing classes because you want to. They are about joining an NGO– not because you work towards a cause- but because you work towards a certificate.
The question that we must ask ourselves- before it’s too late- is whether all this is necessary? Do you really need to spend hours and hours doing something to earn those brownie points? Life certainly was not meant to be an ongoing competition. Most of us in this madly competitive world seem to have forgotten that life is a journey- and NOT a destination.
Author and Credits: Srishti Chauhan