"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. And some people, craving money, have wandered from the true faith and pierced themselves with many sorrows." - Timothy 6:10
Money itself is neither good nor evil. It’s simply a medium of exchange. It’s a way for people to trade one thing – say, their money or their time or their energy – for other things, like food or housing.
What you choose to use your money for may be good and it may be evil and it may just be a big missed opportunity. You could use it to make sure your children eat very nutritionally balanced meals or you could use it to hire a hit man to take out your rivals. You could use it to help improve orphanages for extremely impoverished children or burn a million British pounds just for the fun of it.
How you use that money is a reflection of who you are and what you value. Whether it’s “good” or “evil” is as much your own judgement on how you spend money as it is a judgement passed on you by others who observe how you use it.
Bible says, "The love of money is the root of all evil." The argument is that when you begin to focus on the accumulation of wealth as the highest purpose in your life, you put a lot of other virtues below it. You value wealth accumulation over the welfare of others, in simple terms.
When you see other people as merely things that can be exploited to improve your wealth accumulation, that becomes evil.
Having money isn’t evil. Earning money isn’t evil. Exploiting people to acquire that money is, however, and spending it wantonly in ways that don’t bring value into anyone else’s life is probably also evil.
Author and Credits: Trent Hamm
Below is a video about Wealth, Power, study of human nature and bringing in Human values to realize a Bigger dream for Humanity.