Moral Stories - 2

Be Different:

One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that's trying to make you like everyone else. For research purpose, scientists placed 5 monkeys in a cage, with a ladder in the middle and bananas on the top. Every time a monkey went up the ladder, the scientist soaked the rest of the monkeys with cold water. After a while, whenever a monkey attempted to climb the ladder, others would beat him up. After some time, no monkey dared go up the ladder regardless of the temptation. Scientists then decided to replace one of the monkeys. 

As expected, the new monkey instantly fell for the temptation and was beaten up by the rest. After several beatings, this new member learnt not to climb up the ladder even though he never learnt the real reason. Then, a second monkey was brought in and the same thing happened. The first monkey participated in the beating of the second monkey. 

The replacements continued, until only a group of 5 monkeys were left in the cage. Even though the new group of monkeys never received a cold shower, they continued to beat up any monkey that attempted to climb the ladder. If you asked any of the new monkeys why the beatings took place, the answer would probably be, “Well, how do I know. I guess that's how things are done around here!" 

You will never influence the world if you continue doing things the way they have always been done. Be different. Create chaos. Leave an echo behind!

Go by your heart:

A rich man was retiring when an angel of death came to him. He had worked long and hard to acquire massive wealth and retire in luxury, and could not believe that his time was up. Being a very wealthy person, he decided to buy some more time from the angel of death at any cost. He bargained for a long time but the angel was unmoved. 

Desperate, the rich man made the last proposal to the angel… Give me just one hour of my life, so that I could admire the beauty of this earth for the last time and spend some time with my family and friends whom I haven't seen for a long time and I will give you all of my wealth. But the angel refused again. Finally, the man asked if the angel could give him at least one minute so that he could write a goodbye note. His wish was granted and he wrote a note….

"Spend your time, which was given to you, in the right way. I couldn't buy even an hour of life with all of my wealth. Listen to your heart and check if the things surrounding you have a true value. Cherish every minute of your life."

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