We may never be strong enough to be entirely nonviolent in thought, word and deed. But we must keep nonviolence as our goal and make strong progress towards it - Mahatma Gandhi
Say what you want but you NEVER say it with violence! - Gerard Way
At the center of non-violence stands the principle of love - Martin Luther King Jr.
Nonviolence is a powerful and just weapon. Indeed, it is a weapon unique in history, which cuts without wounding and ennobles the man who wields it - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Nelson Mandela sat in a South African prison for 27 years. He was nonviolent. He negotiated his way out of jail. His honor and suffering of 27 years in a South African prison is really ultimately what brought about the freedom of South Africa. That is nonviolence - Coretta Scott King
Nonviolence is a good policy when the conditions permit. Nelson Mandela
Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong - Mahatma Gandhi, The Words of Gandhi
Liberty and democracy become unholy when their hands are dyed red with innocent blood - Mahatma Gandhi
Only the brave men and women can bring peace to the world, not by practicing war but by practicing nonviolence - Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power
Nonviolence is the only credible response to the violence we're seeing around the world - Coretta Scott King
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